AI Monitoring AC System

AI Monitoring AC System

In the contemporary world, a significant misconception surrounds the concept of "smart." We firmly believe that this notion should encompass all devices, rather than being restricted solely to smartphones or central processors. Intelligent AI solutions are neither costly nor intricate; they have the potential to reduce expenses while garnering heightened recognition in the realm of business

In the contemporary world, a significant misconception surrounds the concept of "smart." We firmly believe that this notion should encompass all devices, rather than being restricted solely to smartphones or central processors. Intelligent AI solutions are neither costly nor intricate; they have the potential to reduce expenses while garnering heightened recognition in the realm of business

Use your existing cameras, over 90% supported

Use your existing cameras, over 90% supported

Works with any RTSP-supported cameras so you can use your existing video cameras without any upfront expenses for new equipment.

Uses wireless technology to break free from traditional wiring connections. It adopts the Zigbee wireless standard, which is specifically designed for residnetial and commercial environments

Works with any RTSP-supported cameras so you can use your existing video cameras without any upfront expenses for new equipment.

Uses wireless technology to break free from traditional wiring connections. It adopts the Zigbee wireless standard, which is specifically designed for residnetial and commercial environments

Available to any centralized air-conditioning system

Low upfront costs and maintenance costs

Avoid interaction with air-conditioning company

Scalable and deployment for each building can be less than a week

Cater stakeholders’ concern by leverage either on-premises or cloud approaches

Target at least 10% energy consumption saving upon deployment